A heartbreaking scene about government oppression and bigotry from the dazzling and brilliant James McTeigue film, V for Vendettaif you haven't seen it yet, well first of all have you been living under a rock? and second, get thee to a video store pronto.
NYIndieSeen is an outlet for all indie filmmakers, writers, and actors to get involved and in "the know" of what is happening in the New York independent film scene. The premise of this blog started in NYC, but we honor indie film across all geographical locations!! We not only have this site designed for entertainment purposes, but it can be used as a tool for networking, which is helpful into getting SEEN on the SCENE. We offer information on cast/crew opportunities, offer the latest news and gossip about what's happening in entertainment, provide movie reviews of the best in independent film, and allow indie filmmakers to have their short films viewed on our site so they can be heard and SEEN!
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