Wow. This show is amazing. I mean this show has drama ON and OFF screen! That's how good it is. On what TV show do you know has fist fights off camera, homophobic slurs, pay raise issues, and more drama off camera than on?? No other show has what Grey's has which is why I love this freakin show.

Then she was like, "And the creator and head writer of the show is a sista!" I was even more impressed. This was quite groundbreaking. An African-American female showrunner? I wanted to see what this show was all about. The very first episode of Grey's Anatomy I saw was in its 2nd season and it was aired right after the Superbowl last year.
I saw Christina Ricci on there and I was like, wow is she a regular on this show? And then I realized that she was playing a paramedic, which meant she probably was just a minor character. The episode was about this guy who was shot and the bullet had not yet imploded and was stuck inside of him. Any movement of the bullet would cause an explosion and the entire floor of that wing of the hospital the patient was staying in could be affected by the blast. Whoa! Good stuff!

I cringed during each moment of that episode, and then I realize that this was groundbreaking TV. Never had I been so glued to a TV show as I had that evening when I saw that episode. I felt robbed when the episode lasted an hour and stated the obligatory "to be continued" text at the bottom of the screen. I wanted the episode to go on for hours. I would have sat there and watched for hours if it aired that way.
Well the rest is history, as soon as I knew this was my new favorite show I went back and watched Seasons 1 and 2 on my iPod through iTunes. Watching Grey's everyday on the train ride to and from work was worth the long commutes each day. Now I'm all caught up and feel like I should be a part of this show I've invested so much time into watching it.
So let me introduce you to the employees of Seattle Grace Hospital:

Dr. Izzie Stevens - I love her. She's so sweet. She has a flaw which is she wears her heart on her sleeve. In the medical world that is considered a bit of a liability, but I actually respect that endearing quality. I'm just pissed off that she took that 8 million dollar check her dead boyfriend gave her and didn't spend one dime of it on herself! But that's where the unselfish part of her personality comes in. She always puts others before herself. A rare find.
Dr. George O'Malley - What a cutie! When I first saw him, I thought he kinda looked like John Mayer. But Mayer has a bigger head. Anyways, I love George. He's so nerdy and so shy and I love his innocent quality. He has this studder that is kinda cute too. I was mad at Meredith when she slept with him, he really deserves a girl that's gonna love him. He seems he would give his entire world for the woman he loves.

Dr. Preston Burke - I'm not so sure about him. Before the homophobe controversy, I didn't really like Dr. Burke. He just seemed a little standoffish and cold. I'm not sure where his head is at either. I think he is selfish in some ways, but has moments where he looks out for others. I truly do believe he cares for Christine, but I'm not sure where their relationship is going. I must admit, he's easy on the eyes though. I wonder if he's gonna continue to stay at Seattle Grace.
Dr. Richard Webber - Chief of Seattle Grace. He's like the patriarch of the show. Everyone seems to come to him for advice. However the Dr. has fidelity issues (like every other employee at grace). He left his wife for Meredith’s mom and now his wife has kicked him to the curb. Recently he dyed his hair black to look younger and attract da ladies. Now he’s stepping down as chief and hasn’t made a decision yet as to who is replacing him.

Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd – This Dr. has the best legs in television. She also is the best dressed doctor of the bunch. You will never see her wearing sneaks and a buttoned white overcoat…oh no! Addison wears stilettos, v-neck Versace tops and mini skirts. I love her style! She has a few skeletons in her closet. I think she’s a bit of a nympho if you ask me. Seems like she just desires sex. She left her loyal husband for McSteamy and now she’s tryin to get her some Alex! But it may all end soon, cuz now she’s gonna be the lead in a Grey’s Anatomy spinoff. AAhh! I don’t know how to respond to that!

Dr. Callie Torres – She is an inspiration to big girls everywhere! I mean honestly she’s not big, she just a cute plus sized girl that caused some controversy when she appeared in only a shirt and underwear in a few episodes back. You don’t see plus sized women on TV walking around in just their underwear! Groundbreaking!! At first I wasn’t so sure about her, because she liked George and I thought that was lil odd, but now I realize she really does love the nerd. But does he love her back? I give Torres props for getting it on with McSteamy. She just picked him up at a bar and they did the deed. Guts girl guts!

Dr. Mark Sloane (aka Dr. McSteamy) – He is hot. I mean, his really close with McDreamy on the fine ass guy factor. I actually feel the same way as I feel towards Alex towards this guy. He’s an asshole one second, and then a nice guy the next. He likes to boss the interns around and treat them like PA’s on a film set. However, when it comes to da ladies, he gets a lil soft. I likez that. He really loves Addison, even though she doesn’t love him back. He needs someone to soften him up a bit. Hmmm…can I be cast on that show?

Dr. Meredith Grey – The lead intern and the reason why this show keeps going. The character’s are her arc and the stories revolve around her life and experiences as an intern at Seattle Grace. I like Meredith. She makes a good best friend. She’s an excellent intern and knows her stuff when it comes to surgery. It’s too bad she has so many abandonment issues. Her issues affect her relationships and friendships. But she’s making it through. I got scared for a second. Last week I thought they were gonna kill her off the show. Luckily, they just did the outer body experience thing. Shoo!
So have I expressed that I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy? Is there anything else that I could say that would convince you any further that I have an adoration for this TV show? No, I guess not. If you’re not convinced at this point, then you just skimmed through this blog, probably because there was too much text to read (which is not typical if an NYIndieSeen post). Not to mention this is a blog about film and not TV. But that’s why we created this archive to blog about other TV shows or misc stuff we find interesting.

Do I think there should be a Grey’s spinoff? NO. I think it’s gonna be TV suicide. BUT it’s not up to me to decide, it’s up to the rest of the 15 million viewers who watch Grey’s every week.
Do I think Isaiah Washington should leave the show? NO. The show won’t be the same without the cold, yet determined Preston Burke. He should be underpaid and scolded for saying homophobic remarks, but not fired.
Do I think Izzie should get a raise? YES. Katherine Heigl is a great actress and her star power is rising. Not to mention she was nominated for a Golden Globe this year. She should get paid comparable to what Sandra Oh and Ellen Pompeo are getting paid. Why are there different pay scales for each actor anyway? This is an ensemble show. There really is no stand out character on this program. If one character leaves, it will affect the show deeply. Which is why I’m so much against this “spinoff”.
But we’ll see. And ABC stop playing reruns dammit! At least WARN us if you are going to rerun an episode. I set aside my Thursday nights for this show, and I could have made other plans this week to hang out rather than sit at home and watch a Grey’s rerun. I must admit though, I sat and watch last night’s episode anyway. I’m such a dork.

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